Monday, November 16, 2009

Why Is It So Important to Post Your Work?

Posting your work is so beneficial to everyone that is involved. I think that there is a lot of importance and a lot to be gained from posting your own work and having others post their work. I can give four great examples of what I am talking about:

The first is a site by Dr. Alice Christie. You can view this site Click Here. This site was extremely useful to me as I explored all she had to offer. She is respectable because she has been in the field of educating for forty years! Now, I personally need advice sometimes and this site is perfect. She really is able to communicate with all kinds of people from actual teachers to students who plan to become teachers just through the thoughts and words she has made available through her blog. It provided resources on educational technology, web design, photography, her research publications, and even gives workshops to meet your specific needs. This is definitely an awesome resource to have.

My second example is of a school from New York City with an awesome children's chorus. You can check this out Click Here. This chorus, PS22, actually re-did Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide" and made a video and posted it. Fleetwood Mac's tour manager Stevie Nick's caught wind of the video and actually invited the chorus to sing the song at their next show in Madison Square Garden! I found this to be so interesting and exciting! The power of blogging is unlimited and this is evident that everyone should be proud of their work and post it because you never know who is watching and where it may take you!

My third example is from the video by Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today. You can watch it yourself Here. In this video my eyes really opened to how students, I included, really are without really realizing the importance of it. I think many students just accept the way they are because of their age bracket and that they should just sit back and do nothing. In reality we really have a lot more say than we willingly acknowledge and I think we should all recognize this. One example from the video is the money wasted on text books. I think that students can influence a putting a stop to this tremendously. This video impacted me and I would have never seen it had Mr. Wesch not posted it and made it available to me.

And lastly, I really think Randy Pausch's Last Lecture was such a good assignment and blog to explore. This was truly my favorite assignment to watch. You can watch it Here He was a definite inspiration and his work definitely needed to be posted and heard around the world. The quotes here are so inspiring and can truly help if you need an extra boost of encouragement. This would not have been available to me halfway around the world and I would never have even known that Randy Pausch even existed if his work had not been posted. To me, it is very important to post your work because you never know who it is helping, inspiring, or benefiting.

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