Sunday, September 13, 2009

Michael Welsh: A Vision of Students Today

After watching A Vision of Students Today, I will have to say that this movie definitely captures my personal college experience. I do exactly what some of the people in the video do, and they are not exactly good habits. I spend way too much time on social networking sites such as facebook, and not enough time as I should be on studying. To add to the video and make it more accurately describe these situations, I would include more about the money college students waste when they become lazy and stop going to classes.

I can definitely relate to the sign one of the guys holds up about buying hundred dollar text books and not even using them. I have done this countless times and sometimes it was because my professor did not prefer to teach out of the book. This was aggravating because I wish that if they anticipated not teaching out of the book, they would have told us and we could have saved a considerable amount of money. Incorporating technology in the classroom will hopefully eliminate some of these problems.

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