Friday, August 21, 2009

My Reaction to Mr. Winkle Wakes

The video on Mr. Winkle Wakes was funny to me and I think it really stressed the point that children in this day and age need the reality of the outside world incorporated into the classroom. If we are not constant learners, than I predict that most of us will fall behind when it comes to doing things technologically in the future. This can makes our lives and careers more stressful. The idea behind technology to me is to make our lives easier. I think it's a privilege that such technology advances are available to us and that we would be crazy not to utilize these resources.

Keeping up with new technology and being open to learn constantly can really make a difference in a person's future and there really is no telling where such advances could take us! In today's work place technology is everywhere and if someone is in school preparing to fill these future positions than it is obvious that the school systems should soon become more "technologically literate". This can make a huge difference in many lives and many careers. Everyone, in my opinion, should be open to learn about these advances so that they do not fall behind.


  1. Yes! It's not just about the technology. It's also about bringing in the outside world and keeping education relevant.

  2. Do you know who Matthew is, the person who posted above? If not, find out!
