Friday, August 21, 2009

My Reaction to Did You Know? 3.0

Watching Did You Know 3.0 was extremely interesting to me. I had no idea that the majority of the facts given were true. Most of the numbers and percentages absolutely shocked me. It is certainly interesting how times have changed. It is also a little frightening because it is hard to imagine what else could possibly be invented in the future. A machine that can compute information faster and more effectively than the human brain by the year 2013 is remarkable!

I find it very interesting and also odd that the number of incoming and outgoing text messages exceeds the population of our planet! Being only 20 is a little frightening because there is absolutely no telling what is to come as far as technology advances are concerned. Even at the end of the video it is interesting that we are able to estimate how many babies were being born in the United States and China in the 5 minutes and 16 seconds that the video was playing.

1 comment:

  1. One of your fellow students says she sends over 1,000 text messages a day!
