Saturday, October 17, 2009

How we dream Parts 1 and 2

In part one, Click here Mr. Miller gave us information on his likes and dislikes in the world of accessing information. There were tons of online resources that I didn't know about that are available on the web. It is great that so many teachers are dedicated and taking the time to explore these options to not only benefit themselves, but for the benefit of their students.

Richard Miller explained that research is now less fundamental, more incremental, and definitely more visual. It is great that teachers are recognizing this and realizing that this is how our young generation learns and this is how information is made interesting to us.

Part two was definitely interesting to me. The way in which we communicate with each other, learn new material, and get the motivation to look up new material is all electronic now. I agree with Mr. Miller that this is the best and soon will be the only way to keep up with the ever growing population around us.


  1. Jessica,
    I love to see the excitement in my own children's eyes when they discover something 'new' on the internet. I know I'm dating myself, but it reminds me of the excitement my brother and I had when MTV first hit the airwaves back in the early 8o's.
